Congrats to Larry Beckerle (AM '73), who outlasted Pat Chambers (AM '76) in recording his 31st consecutive Alumni finish in 2013. Larry is the only runner to have completed every Alumni run to date. Pat's dad will think twice before he has a heart attack again!
However, there are several other runners who have begun cultivating streaks over the years that are simply growing too great to ignore. A number of runners have competed in every race for which they have been eligible, and continue to return to the Bear year after year. We wanted to recognize these brain-addled individuals; so, with the help of Mike Collins, I have assembled below (to the best of my ability) a list of those who have missed no more than one Alumni Run for which they have been eligible (minimum five years eligibility). Note that my list is slightly different from the one compiled by Mike Collins in the results book; his list records all current streaks of four years or more; mine takes into account how many races you have missed that you are eligible for, total. .
Missed No Races
Larry Beckerle (AM '73): 36 straight races
Keith Reilly (PR '90): 29 straight
Jason Friedman (CN '93): 26 straight
Daniel Hogan (Suff '99): 20 straight
Missed One Race
Jamie Kempton (AM '76): 35 of 36 (missed 1987)
Sue (Gulla) Lanoce (PR '83): 35 of 36 (missed 1983)
Ken Gerber (CS '92): 26 of 27 (missed 1993)
Kevin Chanowsky (MW '94): 24 of 25 (missed 1994)